Thursday, 6 March 2008

My hope for the future of Aviation Safety.

In todays climate of easy and affordable air travel it has become apparent that it's accesability might in fact becoming at a cost.
I mean ask your self how can we be in the air for 120mins and it only cost $8? that is what one airline was preposing last year.

Flying first class obvioulsy doesn't save you and flying the safest airling in the area doesn't necassarily hold any weight either.

The consummer needs to be aware.

It is my hope that some day we will HAVE A PRIVATE AVIATION AUDITING COMPANY, that, by inspecting airlines, their staff and infact their safety records, will be able to tell us, the general public, which airline is in fact the safest.

A ''seal of approval'' if you will or a guide to air safety and making aviation safey records public knowledge.
A rateing out of ten, nearly every other industry has a rating, why does aviation not !?

After all what do we really know about the planes we board or the pilots who are flying them.

This concept is a long way off I know, but I have to start some where.

Out of tradgety needs to come some good even if it is making people aware that perhaps some airlines have a better safety record than others.

I don't believe there is such a thing as an accident and if improving consummer knowledge and awareness of aviation safety prevents more deaths and sadness then some good will have come from GA200 tradgety.